

New nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is entry into port in Yokosuka




October 1, 8:00 pm, 2015, the US Navy's nuclear-powered aircraft carrier "Ronald Reagan" is in order to the homeport Yokosuka, we've sailed to the US Navy Yokosuka base.
And the state of the aircraft carrier Arrival from Anjindai park overlooking the harbor, Gohigashi lawyers talk of "Citizens think the Yokosuka homeport problem of nuclear-powered aircraft carrier" in the visit, protests at the US Navy Yokosuka base main gate before by Yokosuka citizens, We will tell the street appeal in Yokosuka Central Station.

Nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Ronald Reagan, on behalf of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier George Washington, which has been the home port of Yokosuka until now, nuclear-powered aircraft carrier to the homeport of Yokosuka. During the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake as "Operation Tomodachi" I was hit in relief work. Then, causing a lot of crew health problems, high working with radiation region is a cause, of the claims against TEPCO as "radioactivity was exposed without immediately announced that there was a dangerous level." sued. Currently, the plaintiff has become expensive litigation of more than 250 people.

In addition, since it is loaded with first nuclear power plant and the same level of the reactor in Fukushima, and If accidents and terrorism occurs, it will to the fact that Tokyo there is a nuclear power plant in closer to the metropolitan area as become evacuation area.

However, by the wall of military secrets, nuclear reactor information also aircraft carrier radioactivity damage of Operation Tomodachi it is also not meant to be published.
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